葉問詠春 梁相系 吳華森授徒
香港精武體育會傳統武術段位 - 十段
Chin Woo Athletic Assoc.(HK) Traditional Martial Arts Grading System - The Level 10
As an energetic teen and a Kungfu enthusiast, Wilfred Lam began to learn Wing Chun from Sihing Kwok Chung Chow during high school in 1970 before Chow immigrated to the United States.
In 1994, when Sihing Kwok Chung Chow briefly returned to Hong Kong, he and his disciples visited Sifu Ng Wah Sum. Wilfred quickly caught the attention of Sifu Ng, who was willing to take him in as an apprentice and teach him all he could at no charge. The following year, Wilfred studied Wing Chun under Sifu Ng at a centre in Yau Ma Tei in Kowloon, where he trained in basic Kungfu forms as well as the Wooden Dummy, Knife and Long pole. He was also awarded with a valuable gift – two pairs of long poles made from a rare, high quality wood from Sifu Ng.
In 2003, Wilfred and other Sihings supported Sifu Ng and began teaching Wing Chun at the Ving Tsun Athletic Association.
In 2004, he accompanied Sifu Ng and attended a Wing Chun Kungfu seminar held by Sihing Kwok Chung Chow in New York.
Since Sifu Ng had no bias towards any type or form of Kungfu, Wilfred also studied Yang style Tai Chi for 17 years before he introduced Wilfred to his best friend Tai Chi Master Sin Man Ho to learn Ng style Tai Chi Kungfu. When he obtained his doctorate degree in Philosophy of Management, Master Sin Man Ho gifted Wilfred with a Chinese calligraphy piece reading ( 文武雙全 ) — “Excellence in Academics and Martial Arts”.
According to Sifu Ng, in the 16 years Wilfred accompanied him, he became not only his favourite disciple, but also his treasured friend. In celebration and praise of Wilfred’s mastery, and his efforts and contributions as an assistant teacher, Sifu Ng also gifted him with Chinese calligraphy displaying the words ( 詠春正宗 ), “Authentic and upstanding representation of Wing Chun”. Wilfred is appointed as Sifu Ng’s successor, carrying on his teachings as the next generation Master of the Ip Man Wing Chun-Leung Sheung lineage.
When he became a Wing Chun master, Wilfred decided to re-brush his Wing Chun Long Pole 6.5 and pursue intensive training in the Bat Cham Dao from his Si-pak, Master Leung Ting.
As disciple of Grand Master Sin Man Ho (4th Generation Master of Ng Style Tai Chi Quan), Wilfred won 1st place in China’s first International Wushu Competition 中國麗江首屆國際武術大賽 in 2013 for Ng Style Tai Chi Knife. He also won gold medals in the following year for Ng Style Tai Chi Sword and Ng Style Tai Chi Quan.
Throughout the years, he has participated and been invited to numerous performances and demonstrations in both Hong Kong and China.
詠春吳華森同學會總教練 Wing Chun Ng Wah Sum Academy Chief Instructor
林展霆師傅自幼好動兼喜愛武術, 於1970年求學時期已跟同學, 鄒國忠師兄學習詠春拳, 其後鄒師兄移民美國.
鄒師兄於1994年帶同一眾徒子徒孫回港拜候吳華森師傅, 其間林展霆得到吳華森師傅特別賞識, 並不收分文收他為入室弟子. 於翌年林展霆正式拜師吳華森師父門下並於油麻地 "易居" (林岳奇師傅風水館) 學習刀,棍,木人樁等. 吳華森師父除了將畢生所學盡授予林展霆, 並將珍藏多年之兩對,花梨和昆典六點半棍相贈以傳後人.
於2003年, 林展霆和林岳奇師傅更資助吳華森師父在詠春體育會任教.
於2004年, 林展霆跟隨吳華森師父到纽约主持鄒國忠師兄舉辦之詠春吳華森研習班.
由於吳華森師父沒有門户派別偏見, 他基於林展霆熱愛太極拳, 更介紹他拜師於好友香港武林名宿冼孟豪大師 (吳式太極第四傳,國際裁判兼國際武術教練) 門下深造吳式太極拳. 林展霆師傅並於2013年於中國麗讧首屆國際武術比賽中勇奪吳式太極刀第一名, 並於翌年再奪吳式太極拳和吳式太極劍金獎.
從吳師父口中, 林展霆師父盡得恩師真傳, 在吳師父的最後十六年間, 一路相伴, 亦師亦友, 他常常向好友們稱讚林展霆師父是他後期最得意弟子, 並以他盡得其真傳為自豪, 更贈以字畫 (詠春正宗) 以示嘉許.
基於林展霆師傅熱爱詠春, 於2015年林師傅更跟隋師伯梁挺大師深詣六點半棍法並得梁挺大師親傳八斬刀绝學.
世界功夫武術段位制總會- 師範級 10 段 The World Organization of Wushu Kung Fu Masters Evaluation - The Level 10
Dr Wilfred Lam Phd,MBA,FChFP,CCFP
Ip Man Wing Chun, Leung Sheung
lineage, from Ng Wah Sum
Wing Chun Ng Wah Sum Academy
Chairman & Chief Instructor
Wing Chun Athletic Assoc. Senior Instructor
Chin Woo Athletic Association of
Hong Kong - President
Wu Style Taichi Instructor
葉問詠春 – 自1970年 至今,共49年經驗。於2000年協助吳華森師傅,担任助教,於2010 年正式設館授徒。現為葉問詠春第四傳。
教授 太極拳及氣功
1994年跟隨王壯弘師傅學習王氏太極。 1998 年跟隨中國武術大師 馬礼堂嫡傳弟子薛理平中医師學習馬礼堂之太極氣功, 六字吷. 2000 年跟隨中國道家边自中,嫡傳弟子蘇華仁學習道家養生功法。
2002年跟隨中國道家李正素師太學習道家秘傳之劍指功法。 2006年至今跟隨冼萬孟豪師傅學習吳式太極傳統套路, 推手, 器械及太極內功。
2013 及 2014 在中國麗江國際武術大賽中奪得吳式傳統套路太極刀第一名, 吳式傳統套路太極劍金牌, 吳式傳統套路太極拳金牌。
2015 年跟隨梁挺師伯修習詠春八斬刀。
2015 年創立佛掌剛柔門, 武術總監-朱紹基師傅, 武術顧問-梁挺師傅, 徐家傑師傅, 冼孟豪師傅, 傳授蔡事佛秘傳之佛家掌, 春秋大刀, 齊眉棍, 五郎八卦槍, 俠家星龍劍, 羅漢功, 道家氣功和馬礼堂養氣功法。
2000-2010年為香港精武體育會會董,2011 至今為香港精武體育會會長,協助推廣武術,不分門派,兼容並包。
2006 年至今為 國際(香港)中醫药促進會主席,推廣馬礼堂老師之養生功法。
2010 年詠春吳華森師傅過身後,成立詠春吳華森同學會將梁相系吳華森師傅之詠春傳承下去。
2017 年在香港精武體育會開辦吳式傳統太極拳班。