​​吳華森師傅畢生秉承梁相師公及葉問宗師教誨, 弘揚國粹, 為發揚詠春拳術出一分カ. 詠春拳透過筋骨肌肉的鬆緊, 柔中發勁,靈巧制敵. 現今社會, 雖已不需用武カ解決問題, 然而練習武術對身心有益是不用置疑. 學員透過學習放鬆及筋骨肌肉控制等訓而練達至身心舒暢, 強化身體內外機能, 更可以改善身體質素, 同時洗滌心靈. 本會旨在延續梁相師公及吳華森師父之精神, 將中國之優良傳統文化融匯武術,哲學與生活.



​Over the decades, generations of masters from the Ip Man Wing Chun-Leung Sheung lineage such as Master Ng Wah Sum, Grand Master Leung Sheung, and Grand Master Ip Man made great contributions to the Wing Chun and Martial art scene and culture alike, mastering and teaching its secrets.  

Although today’s society no longer uses physical force to resolve problems, the physical, health and psychological benefits of practicing martial arts is indisputable. 

Wing Chun is a fluid, yet vigorous martial arts requiring understanding and mastery of the intricate partnership between physical tension and relaxation.  As a result, dedicated students gain confidence as they hone and gain leaps and bounds in muscle control, precision, coordination and overall agility, as well as (physical, mental and mind-body) balance, and mental clarity and focus.

Wing Chun is more than a sport—it represents a culture, a family, a philosophy and a way of life.  This academy was founded with the intention to share the spirit and enthusiasm for Kung Fu that Master Ng Wah Sum and Master Leung Sheung embodied, and continue the legacy of the Ip Man Wing Chun-Leung Sheung lineage in hopes that martial arts and its students will continue to prosper.